Saturday, November 17, 2007

An intro from MeMona !

Hello Everybody !

I recently joined DMC ..thanks a ton to Sandeepa for inviting me. My real name is Mona. I am originaly from Kolkata (not a BONG but a Tamilian who is 90% Bengali though ). I reside in U.S. with my hubby and two sons - Arudra who will soon turn 8yrs and my other one Amogh who will soon turn 4 next yr. I have lived in Philadelphia for the last 10 yrs before moving into our new house in Wilmington,DE.
I can never forget Philly as there are fond memories attached with my sons...

I am a full time mom but actively volunteer for my elder son's school activities. I do wish to start working as i feel i have done enough parenting and now should do something about my spare time i like to read books or do something crafty.
I love to travel and my favourite destination is India.

I have to run but catch you all with your posts and comments....i hope i can contribute as much to the club and have a lovely chat with you all.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Great to be a member !

A Big Hello to all the Moms,

As i was reading the Telegraph the other day, I came across this article on online Mom chatting and how popular it has become.....i immdiately noted the names of the various sites and found our DMC to be one of the best...i lost no time in browsing through the club features and here i am...

Though i have chatted and posted my views in other sites in the past its been about 3 yrs now and feel a little out of track....So Thanks a lot DMC for giving me an opportunity. Though officially i do not know if i am invited as i first went to the Blog section and gave my details....if there is any other procedure to be followed please let me know.

Lastly, my name is Mona and i reside in Delaware,USA with my husband and 2 kids.